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City Precinct x Laneway Learning Mental Wellbeing Series: The Joys of Sleep


At City Precinct, we appreciate the struggles that many small businesses face on a regular day – let alone during a pandemic. And we are here to help! Not only are we here to support your business, we want to make sure that you as an individual are supported too. 

That’s why we are excited to be partnering with Laneway Learning to bring you a free series of Mental Wellbeing workshops that will provide you with some tried and tested, simple and practical strategies to help you maintain your wellbeing.  

We kicked off the series on Tuesday with one of the most important topics – SLEEP. 

Led by recovering insomniac and Doctor of Philosophy, Tom, we gained an insight into the following topics: 

– The science of sleep and sleep cycles
– Why we wake in the night
– Preparing your body, mind and environment for sleep
– Mindfulness and body-scanning
– What to do when you find yourself awake

We looked at the 4 key areas of Sleep Hygiene and how to best address these 

1. Timing
2. Eating/Drinking
3. Environment
4. Activation/Anxiety

We learnt that those with chronic sleep issues are most often kept awake by their worries about not being able to sleep! One recommended exercise to help alleviate these anxieties is ‘Structured Worry Time’ – similar to Journalling, Structured Worry Time is setting aside 15-30 minutes each day to write down, in a stream of consciousness style, all that is worrying you at the time. Not only can this ‘brain dump’ clear your mind, you can also review your list to see if there are any items that can be addressed to stop 

Tom also gave us some quirky tips on how to get that annoying song out of your head, creative word shuffling techniques to send you to sleep and where the best place for your pet to shut eye is – the answer? NOT in your bed but by your bed. 

The workshop offered a wonderful opportunity to share our sleep issues and anxieties with other members, making us feel less alone in these struggles.

Our next workshop, Knots Away! Self Massage with Clare is guaranteed to loosen up your muscles and leave you feeling amazing!

Exclusive to City Precinct Members.

Tuesday 31 August, 6.30pm

Keep an eye on your inbox for an invite – or email

Laneway Learning is a member of City Precinct and host informal, accessible evening classes in a diverse range of topics.