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Stephen McLaughlan, Stephen McLaughlan Gallery

Stephen at the Stephen McLaughlan Gallery during the Biosphere exhibition in November 2021
Stephen at the gallery during the Biosphere exhibition in November 2021

The Stephen McLaughlan Gallery shares an adventure and journey with its artists and visitors. As Stephen puts it:

“We might be the destination or just a stop along the way – but it counts, enriching and rewarding each of us in so many ways. All part of the rich tapestry that we deserve. Even where circumstances result in a single visit, that person can enjoy our presence vicariously – as both a memory and through our carefully curated online presences.”

The Gallery space includes regular exhibitions in the Main Display Area and an Objects Space in the South Gallery, showcasing a committed group of contemporary artists in a welcoming and airy environment.

When artists can typically take 2 years to produce their artwork ready for exhibition, Stephen believes showcasing and celebrating this achievement is a responsibility and a privilege:

“Being accessible is our duty and pleasure with Melbourne itself providing a complementary sense of occasion. We have been here since 1994 – we share some history, this town and I.”

You can find the Stephen McLaughlan Gallery on Level 8 of the iconic Nicholas Building, with its stunning view and magical light, it is as ”central” as one can be.

The view from the Stephen McLaughlan Gallery

Photographic archives from the Gallery provide an accessible overview of the depth and breadth of Stephen’s endeavours, with both established artists and those at journey’s beginning sharing their visions across a variety of media.

Stephen is a proud member of City Precinct, currently serving on our Committee. Stephen enjoys meeting others with passionate endeavours, sharing ideas, connections and philosophies for useful and inspirational purposes:

“It is wonderful just to belong – serendipitous outcomes are a bonus. Helping the City of Melbourne care for our city, showing our gratitude for what they do – it’s both a duty and a pleasure. None of this is to be taken for granted. It is a credit to all involved.

Stephen at the gallery with "Gran Via" by Peter Clarke in December 1994
Stephen curated the Ballast exhibition in February 2020

If you are an artist wishing to show, an experienced collector wishing to broaden their boundaries, or a novice collector wondering where to start. Stephen is always happy to chat.

You can contact and find out more about Stephen and the Stephen McLaughlan Gallery at: