Supporting Postcode 3000

City Precinct’s AGM at The Royal Historical Society of Victoria


Thank you to Rosemary and the team from the Royal Historical Society of Victoria for hosting our AGM. Please read the President’s report here.

We are delighted to present our new Committee for FY24:

President – Chloe Beevers, CURATE Space (Strategic Artistry Pty Ltd)

Vice President – Anna Prifti, West End Art Space

Treasurer – Harry Liang, Fortune Partners

Committee – Stephen McLaughlan, Stephen McLaughlan Gallery

Committee – Daniel Manly, HQ Group

Committee – Rosemary Cameron, Royal Historical Society of Victoria

We have casual vacancies on our Committee and welcome anyone who meets the following criteria (attended three City Precinct social events, has a physical CBD presence and generates the majority of business from the CBD) to discuss a nomination with the President.